Why Your Twice Annual Dental Checkup Is Important

DentalScheduling a dental checkup twice a year is an important step for improving oral health and preventing future tooth loss.

A regular dental checkup can:

  • Keep teeth and gums healthy
  • Make it possible to identify problems early
  • Prevent tooth loss

What happens without regular dental care?

When wondering why a twice annual dental checkup is important, consider what could happen without them. Essentially, plaque and tartar will remain on the teeth and between them. A variety of oral health problems can occur as a result, including:

#1. Dental decay (cavities)

Plaque can secrete acid that begins to attack the teeth. When plaque remains on the teeth or trapped in between them, more acid will be produced and, in time, this acid will wear away the dental enamel. Once a cavity can begin to form, we need to treat it in our dental office before it can spread. to the point of attacking the interior of the tooth and roots. Otherwise, the pain and discomfort will become severe.

#2. Infections

Dental infections can be terribly painful. In this scenario, the root is likely to become infected and as it spreads, an infection can form. The level of discomfort caused by one will make it difficult to go about normal daily routines, concentrate at work and eat. Patients who have a dental infection will typically need emergency dental care. These patients will also need to take time off work for the appointment and recovery. The possible treatment procedures may include a root canal, dental crown or even a tooth extraction.

#3. Gum disease

One of the largest reasons for adult tooth loss is gum disease. Without these regular preventive appointments, it is likely that a patient will suffer some form of gum disease.  If we do not treat gum disease early on, then tooth loss is inevitable.

How a dental checkup twice a year improves oral health

During these regular appointments, we begin by examining the teeth and gums. A physical examination will typically inform us of any issues like dental decay or the early stages of gum disease. However, if there is a concern, we may also need to take X-rays or digitally image the area to determine if there is infection below the surface of the gums.

Once we have this information, we can make treatment recommendations to address any oral health problems. These regular appointments allow us to identify these issues and make recommendations early on before they have the opportunity to spread and cause additional discomfort and problems. This is the best scenario for patients in general since it is more affordable and convenient to treat health problems in their earliest stages.

Since gum disease typically occurs due to a buildup of plaque and tartar underneath the gum tissue, rather than on the surface of the teeth, these regular appointments can also help to prevent gum disease from ever starting. By keeping plaque and tartar off of the teeth, it is less likely that buildup will occur in sensitive areas that could cause the gums to become inflamed, bleed or even recede. This is an important step in preventing adult tooth loss.

Schedule an appointment

Improving your oral health is as easy as making an appointment with our dental office. Regular preventative care appointments are affordable, fast and comfortable. Scheduling one can prevent more costly appointments later on, in addition to dental discomfort. What are you waiting for? Call and make an appointment today to improve your oral health.

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